PhD – Ines Noureddine (CRCA) – La drosophile comme modèle d’étude des pathologies causées par l’agrégation protéique
Description Contact au CBI : Ines Noureddine (ines.noureddine@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
PhD – Nathalie Bastié (MCD, équipe ODN) – Mécanismes de régulation de l’expansion des boucles de chromatine par le complexe cohésine.
Description Contact au CBI : Nathalie Bastié (nathalie.bastie@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
Sonya Hanson (Flatiron Institute, New York, USA) – Elucidating Mechanisms of Biological Temperature Sensing
Description As Richard Feynman said, “if we were to name the most powerful assumption of all, which leads one on and on in an attempt to understand life, it is that all things are made of atoms, and that everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wigglings of…
Erika BRUNET (Institut Imagine, Paris) – Chromosomal translocations in primary human cells as drivers of oncogenesis
Description Chromosomal translocations in primary human cells as drivers of oncogenesisChromosomal translocations are characteristic of a wide range of cancers and are generally associated with the formation of a new fusion oncogene. These are genomic events resulting from the exchange of pieces of two heterologous chromosomes, which can occur after concomitant DNA breaks. For a…
Felipe Karam Teixeira (University of Cambridge, UK) – Transposable element regulation and DNA damage response during germline development
Description Contact au CBI : Luisa Di Stefano (luisa.di-stefano@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
Hans Clevers (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) – Organoids to model human disease (online conference)
Description Head of Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED) (Member of the enlarged CEC since 2022). Professor in Molecular Genetics, University of Utrecht, NL. Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
HDR – Nadine Puget (MCD, équipe Legube) – Impact du rythme circadien et de l’enveloppe nucléaire sur la réparation des cassures double-brin de l’ADN
Description Contact au CBI : Nadine Puget (nadine.puget1@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
James T. COSTA (Western Carolina University) – Convincing Lyell: Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace, and the Great Transmutation Debate
Description The talk explores the social context and substance of thinking on species origins, and in particular examines the central role Lyell played intellectually for both Darwin and Wallace as their inspiration and foil. Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
Domenico Libri (IGMM) – Genomic distancing in yeast: the control of conflicts between DNA-associated machineries and transcription
Description Sen1 is a helicase that terminates transcription of non-coding RNAs but can also – independently – remove RNA pol II from sites of conflicts with other DNA-associated processes. We are interested in the role of Sen1 at sites of conflicts of transcription with replication and with RNA pol I and RNA pol III transcription.…
Sébastien BOURET (Lille Neuroscience & Cognition) – Developmental Regulation of Brain Circuits Controlling Energy Balance
Description Contact au CBI : Jérôme Cavaillé (jerome.cavaille@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates